Big Bird: Transformers for Longer Sequences - 2020

2 minute read


Link: Arxiv

Paper by: Google Research

Why is this paper important?: Addresses the quadratic memory dependency of the traditional attention mechanism and proposes sparse attention that can handle longer sequences.

Code: NA


This paper addresses the limitations of the full attention used by Transformer models by intorducing sparse attention mechanism that uses memory that scales linearly to the sequence length.


Start with \(\textbf{x}\) which is the input sequence that is tokenized (by classical space-separation, Byte-Pair Encoding or Wordpiece etc.):

\[\textbf{x} = (x_{1}, . . . , x_{n})\]

where \(x_{1}\) would correspond to the first token. \(n\) is the sequence lenght.

Sparse Attention

Figure 1
Figure 1 - Sparse Attention Parts

Matrix \(A\) (attention matrix) is a binary-valued \(n\)x\(n\) matrix where \(A(i,j)=1\) if query \(i\) attends to key \(j\) and is zero otherwise. When A is all 1s then it is the traditional full attention mechanism. Since every token attends to every other token, the memory requirement is quadratic.

The sparse attention consists of the merge of all three following parts (which are shown in Figure 1):

Random Attention

Each query attends over \(r\) random number of keys. Mathematically, \(A(i,\cdot) = 1\) for \(r\) randomly chosen keys.

(Sliding) Window Attention

There is a great deal of locality of reference in NLP data which is that information about a token can be derived from its neighboring tokens. To utilize this, BigBird uses a sliding window attention of width \(w\). The query at location \(i\) attends from \(i - w/2\) to \(i + w/2\) keys. Mathematically, \(A(i, i-w/2:i+w/2) = 1\).

Global Attention

Global tokens are tokens that attend to all tokens in the sequence and to whom all tokens attend to. BigBird utilizes this global token notion in two ways:

  • BIGBIRD-ITC (Internal Transformer Construction): Make some existing tokens “global” and make them attend over the entire input sequence.
  • BIGBIRD-ETC (Extended Transformer Construction): Add \(g\) additional “global” tokens (e.g. CLS) that attend to all existing tokens. This extends the columns and rows of the matrix \(A\) by \(g\) rows/columns.


The sparse attention enables the mechanism to attend to 8x longer sequences. It is possible to use gradient checkpointing to handle >8x longer sequences. Below are results from NLP tasks. Genomics related results are omitted.

Pretraining & MLM

Figure 2

Encoder Only Tasks

Question Answering

BigBird-ETC outperforms all other models.

Figure 3

Document Classification

Improves SotA by %5 points.

Figure 4

Encoder-Decoder Tasks

When the Pegasus pretraining is also utilized:

Figure 5
